Take the Field

This Saturday I had the extreme pleasure of helping out with a Take the Field clinic. TtF is a great new program started by a few of my teammates to empower middle and high school girls through ultimate. Go now and like them on Facebook!take the field

The program is split up into clinics on Friday evenings and Saturday afternoon. Each clinic session focuses on a different leadership skill and ultimate skill and is led by different women from the ultimate community in the Triangle area. Our session took place at the Emily K. Center in downtown Durham. They have a fantastic facility, and some really cool staff members who might also be my teammate 🙂

I co-led with Britta Jones, a PhD student at UNC and long-time ultimate player at both Florida and UNC. Here she is imparting some frisbee wisdom:

Britta teaching

The topics we covered were written communication as the leadership skill and man defense for the ultimate skill. Naturally I was pumped about written communication because I got to cover social media!

We focused the written communication session on knowing your audience on any form of communication, whether that be social media, email, or phone and texting. For social media, our audience is everyone so I asked to the girls what they used social media for and then talked to them about who was eventually going to see these profiles. Because social media data and profiles stay with us basically forever, I gave them some ways to curate a social media profile that said something about who they are that would stand the test of time.

Written Communication
Talking about written communication with the girls

To get the girls thinking and participating, we broke up into small groups and came up with example Facebook  posts and Tweets for one person in that group  . Then we got back together and shared what we came up with; the girls had some great ideas! In the group I worked with, one of the girls was a leader in her school’s LGBT group and we talked about what kinds of updates she could post via Twitter and what kinds of video and photos she could post to show her involvement and passion for the group.

Brita covered email and phone communication, and even I was reminded of some e-etiquette points! We talked about BCC vs CC in an email and when it is appropriate to reply vs reply-all.

To sum everything up we did a little interactive storytelling activity. I told them the story of how my sister posted a speeding ticket on Facebook and at critical junctures in the story, I asked them how a certain situation should have been dealt with. They seemed to really enjoy it, since it was something with which they could all identify.

Finally we got to the fun part! After a quick lap around the gym we dove into walk-throughs and drills to teach the girls about man defense. Here are a couple pics of the girls getting their D on:

Throwing on a big mark
Throwing on a big mark
A gym full of Take the Fielders
A gym full of Take the Fielders
Taking a break while playing protect the disk
Taking a break while playing protect the disk

Thanks to the fantastic coordinators Janna, Meg, and LG, my fabulous co-leader Britta, and to all the girls who came out. I had a blast!

2012 In Review

I may have failed to finish out the year in blogging. Ok I definitely failed to finish out the year.

But a LOT of really exciting things happened: travel, jobs, delicious foods and fun projects. And because I finally downloaded all the pictures of these exciting things off my phone, I’m doing a series of 2012 in review blog posts.


#1- Phoenix Women’s Ultimate Season Wraps Up

Phoenix finished out the season with a trip to USA Ultimate Nationals in Sarasota, Florida. Though we didn’t finish as highly ranked as we would have hoped, it was a great season.

The USAU nationals fields in Sarasota
The USAU nationals fields in Sarasota

We got to go to Santa Cruz, CA and play at fields that looked like this:


And we got to have practice with the UNC-Wilmington girls, running some drills and scrimmaging with some (possibly?) future club teammates!





There were some Kan-Jam “games”…


But mostly a lot of “phun!”


Counting down til another season “phriends!”

Phoenix 2012

One of my biggest ultimate frisbee goals for the past two seasons has been to make it on a competitive women’s club team.  Six days ago I achieved that goal. After a long two- day tryout with 30+ other talented women, I got a phone call inviting me to become part of Phoenix, the elite women’s team out of the Triangle, North Carolina.

I am so excited to learn high-level ultimate from this fantastic group of women. We will be traveling to the US Open Ultimate Championships in July, tournaments around the country, and hopefully will make it down to Sarasota, FL and bring a national title back to North Carolina.

Amidst all of the excitement of making the team and writing in practices and tournaments on my schedule, I have become incredibly nervous about  performing well at practice, getting into shape, and becoming part of this tight-knit team.  So i have decided to write posts throughout the season to center myself on the experience, learning, and achieving my personal goals.

Last season all of my goals were working toward this tryout, becoming a better player, and being a role model for the younger girls at Elon.  Now I am back to being a rookie, and have some things to learn from new role models.  This year, I’m focusing on my mental game and being a great teammate.


1. Work on mental game and confidence.

2.  Leave it all on the field for every practice, not just every game.

3. Get in extracurricular strength/cardio conditioning to play faster O and harder D.

4. Find new diet regime to maximize energy stores at tournaments.

5. Get to know one new person at each practice, workout, or tournament.

Hopefully posting blogs throughout the season will keep me accountable to these goals, and I can track my progress and what I’m learning.