Ashby’s First Christmas

The little guy endured another 10 hour drive to Alabama, this time with a little help from Benadryl, and was rewarded with cuddles and PRESENTS!

Ashby and his stocking
Ashby and his stocking
Look at this cool toy!
Look at this cool toy!
ANOTHER TOY! He is thrilled.
ANOTHER TOY! He is thrilled.

He really did have a good time. Little guy was burrowing beneath all the wrapping paper while we unwrapped presents, it was adorable. And he was much more relaxed this trip, so he could enjoy being cuddled by all the grandparents.

Now, Ashby is recovering from all the excitement by sleeping all day in my bed. Total cat move.



Christmas Movie Marathon!

I realized the last time I wrote a blog post was my Halloween movie-watching list about the same moment I started reminiscing about my favorite Christmas movies. So it seems only fair to present this, my list of favorite Christmas movies I’m planning on re-watching this holiday season:

1. National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation- Apart from being a hilariously funny movie no matter how many times we watch it, this is a family tradition in the Johnson household. It is also my Papa’s favorite movie (after Patton and Lonesome Dove).

2. White Christmas &/or Holiday Inn- Some people are in two very separate camps where this movie is concerned, but I love both. Let’s be honest, either way you get Bing Crosby so everyone is happy!

3. The Nutcracker Ballet- I am a purist here. ONLY the Balanchine choreography will work for me here. One year I flipped one of those marathons that show the ballet from around the world and the crazy things other choreographers have done with this ballet is not ok with me. #BalanchineOrBust

4. Charlie Brown Christmas- I recently read that the part where Linus reads the book of Luke was a really controversial move at the time. Now, I am thinking it’s a good way to get out of Christmas Eve mass because Linus makes a great officiant.

5. Any of the Claymation specials- Rudolf, Santa Claus is Coming to Town, that one about Jack Frost, they’re all classics in my book.

6.The Preacher’s Wife- I haven’t seen this on in YEARS but it’s Whitney Houston singing Christmas music and Denzel Washington as an angel. ‘Nuff said.

7. A Chistmas Story-  This is just a good movie. It is a classic outside of being a good Christmas movie. I’ll probably have the marathon on all Christmas Eve.




Time for Halloween

candy corn
The pumpkins are the BEST

Halloween is my FAVORITE holiday. It takes place during the BEST season, there are all sorts of opportunities to get scared out of your mind, and then there are the ACTIVITIES! Pumpkin patches, pumpkin carving, apple picking, corn mazes, haunted houses. It’s so much to cram in!

Usually this time of year calls for re-watching of Halloween movie classics: Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street, and of course, Halloween. But this year, hanks to the wonder of Netflix, I have a queue of movies I have never seen to frighten me all the way up to Halloween night!

1. The Lady Vanishes-  A lesser-known Hitchcock. In this, a young woman aboard a train suddenly vanishes and none of the passengers can recall seeing her.

2. Children of the Corn– I am ashamed I’ve never seen this Steven King classic . Creepy kids killing adults and taking over a small rural town? Yes please!

3. The Crow– Rock star comes back to life to exact revenge on those who killed him and his girlfriend. It’s like Batman for Halloween!

4. The Faculty– A 90s cult classic I haven’t seen in a while but can’t wait to re-watch! Aliens take over invasion of the body snatchers-style starting with the high school. 90s stars like Josh Hartnett and Clea DuVall fight back. Awesome-ness ensues.

5. The Frighteners– Another cult classic! In this one a shady psychic detective uses his abilities to boost his business. It’s got Michael J. Fox so it’s impossible to go wrong.

6. Slither– It looks and sounds like a farce, but from what I’ve heard this body-snatchers flick is full of fright and fun. Plus Nathan Fillion. Be still my heart.

7. House at the End of the Street– The most recent movie on my list and also the only thriller/slasher.  A family moves to town and finds out their neighbors’ house was the site of a double murder, and their teenage daughter (Jennifer Lawrence, again can’t go wrong) investigates.

I’m going to need more than just this list, so let me know some more creepy movies to add to my netflix queue!